Hey Ben - great article! Have you read up on "middle housing"? https://missingmiddlehousing.com/

Seems like a lot of the concepts you're going through here. May be a good way to drive residential interest in certain Maine towns for younger homeowners moving to the area (Rockland comes to mind).

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Every high-density street that I travel on has so many cars that it's almost impossible to navigate through. A single-family house may have 4 or 5 cars. A two or three-bedroom apartment could easily give us 5 or even 6 cars. We have several apartment houses near my church and all of the off-street and on-street spots are taken, all the time. Reducing required parking is a grave mistake, in reality, they should increase the number to alleviate the street parking on often narrow streets. Then, what do you do with snow emergency days?

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